2. Maintaining a neutral spine and forward gaze, draw the scapula back and squat down until your hips are just below the level of your knees (if flexibility allows this depth)
3. Ensure the knees are constantly aligned with the toes and weight is through the heels
4. Drive back up to the starting position and as you come up drive one knee up into a high tuck
5. Lower the leg down before landing and dropping straight into the next squat before repeating
6. Alternate the leg that tucks up on each rep
2. Push your hips back, bend your knees, and lower your body into a squat. Place your hands on the floor directly in front of, and just inside, your feet.
3. Shift your weight onto your hands. Jump your feet back to softly land on the balls of your feet in a plank position. Your body should form a straight line
4. Be careful not to let your back sag or your butt stick up in the air
5. Jump your feet back so that they land just outside of your hands. Reach your arms over head and explosively jump up into the air but also towards one side
6. Land and immediately lower back into a squat for your next rep, this time jumping back to the other side
7. Repeat for the desired number of reps
2. Place the weight on your lap (optional) and support with your hands
3. Straighten one knee and raise the foot of the floor, keeping it off the floor throughout
4. Using one foot only, extend your hips off the ground until your upper legs and torso form a straight line
5. In this position, with a focus on maximum hip extension, bring the straight leg out to the side as much as you can, pushing against the band before bringing it in again
6. Keeping the glutes squeezed, lower back down and then repeat all reps on one side, then the other
2. Your feet should be about hip-width apart and your knees should be in line with your feet and hips. Your feet should be just beyond your fingers when you stretch your arms down by your sides.
3. Bend your arms to 90 degrees and then drive through your arms, upper back and heels to bridge up. Squeeze your glutes and brace your abs to bridge up.
4. Holding this bridge, lift one foot up off the ground, bringing your knee in toward your chest as if marching. Do not let your hips sag as you lift the leg.
5. Move slowly to lift the leg then lower back down and switch, bringing the other knee in toward your chest.
2. Maintaining a neutral spine and forward gaze, draw the scapula back and squat down until your hips are just below the level of your knees (if flexibility allows this depth)
3. Ensure the knees are constantly aligned with the toes and weight is through the heels
4. Once in the deepest squat position perform a 3-second pause hold before driving back up to standing
5. Repeat for desired number of reps
2. Bend your knees slightly, brace your core and bend over at the hips keeping your spine neutral until you reach a 45° angle
3. Pull the weights in towards the hips in a ‘sawing motion’, keeping the scapula drawn back throughout
4. Repeat for desired reps
2. Aiming to maintain a solid torso throughout, keep the hands in position on the wall and in turn drive each knee powerfully up towards your chest
3. Complete this at speed and with power for desired duration
2. Keeping your spine neutral, bend your arms 90° at the elbow so your triceps are aligned with your back and your biceps are perpendicular to the floor
3. Engage your core and your triceps and hinge at the elbow, lifting the dumbbell up and back as you try and straighten your arm
4. Your upper arm should stay still; only your elbow moves
5. Guide the weights upward until your arms are straight. Leave one arm in this position whilst you lower the other arm back to 90° to perform reps on this side
6. Repeat for desired number of reps on this side before switching arms, so the other one holds and the other performs reps
2. Straighten your arms, keeping a little bend in your elbows to keep tension on your triceps and off your elbow joints
3. Slowly bend your elbows to lower your body toward the floor until your elbows are at about a 90° angle
4. As you do this, lift you right leg at the same time for the leg raise and lower it as you push back up again
5. Repeat for desired number of reps, alternating the leg you lift on each rep
2. Whilst standing, keep your elbows close to your stomach and shoulders pinned back, grip the band with a neutral grip, shoulder-width apart
3. Your feet should be positioned relatively close whilst your knees are allowed a slight bend also
4. Leaning slightly forwards, exhale your breath and push the band down using only your triceps until the band hits your hip/upper thigh region.
5. Throughout the movement, your shoulders and arms should be still and the forearms should be the only body part moving
6. Squeeze the triceps for 1 to 2 seconds and allow the muscles to sufficiently contract at full extension of the elbow
7. Repeat for desired reps
2. Place the weight on your lap and support with your hands
3. Extend your hips off the ground until your upper legs and torso form a straight line
4. Hold your bridged position briefly, focussing on maximum hip extension, before pushing your knees away form each other and then returning them again
5. Keeping the glutes squeezed, lower back down and knees pressed out and then repeat
2. Maintaining a neutral spine and forward gaze, perform a squat with legs going down to a 90° angle
3. Holding a low squat position, take small steps in one sideways direction, ensuring the knees stay hip-width apart and there is tension through the band
4. After 3-4 steps, bend and perform a jump squat before coming back the other way, focussing on remaining low with the glutes squeezed throughout
5. Repeat for desired reps
2. Hold the weight between your legs with straight arms and draw your scapula back.
3. Maintaining a neutral spine and forward gaze, square down until the weight reaches the floor.
4. Ensure the knees are constantly aligned with the toes and weight is through the heels.
5. Drive back up to the starting position and repeat.
2. Raise your upper back and aim to keep it off the floor throughout
3. Arms straight by your side, twist your torso to the side and reach down with your right hand to touch your right ankle and immediately repeated on the left
4.Continue this small focused movement and contraction of your core muscles for the duration of the exercise
2. Maintaining a neutral spine and forward gaze, draw the scapula back and squat down until your hips are just below the level of your knees (if flexibility allows this depth)
3. Ensure the knees are constantly aligned with the toes and weight is through the heels
4. Drive back up to the starting position and as you come up drive one knee up into a high tuck and twist the elbow of the same side to meet the knee, squeezing from the torso
5. Lower the leg down and straighten the torso before landing and dropping straight into the next squat before repeating
6. Alternate the leg that tucks up on each rep
2. Maintaining a neutral spine and forward gaze, perform a half squat with legs going down to a 45° angle
3. At the instant of the bottom of the squat, use your arms to propel you and jump up, aiming for max. height
4. Aim to land on the floor with soft knees and simultaneously drop into the next half squat to repeat
5. Perform all reps in a controlled manner BUT at a maximal speed
2. Place the weight on your lap and support with your hands
3. Straighten one knee and raise the foot of the floor, keeping it off the floor throughout
4. Using one foot only, extend your hips off the ground until your upper legs and torso form a straight line
5. Hold your bridged position for two seconds, focussing on maximum hip extension
6. Keeping the glutes squeezed, lower back down and then repeat all reps on one side, then the other
2. Keeping your elbows tucked, your upper arms locked in place (only your hands and forearms should move), and palms facing inward curl both arms up to a 90° angle and hold here
3. Then, on one arm only perform the desired number of reps, straightening the arm fully and then raising so that the elbow is at a 45° angle
4. Whilst one arm performs the reps, the other holds in place at 90°
2. Maintaining a neutral spine and forward gaze, squat down until your hips are knee level before explosively jumping back up
3. When you land, lunge back with one leg before coming back to a neutral squat position and driving back up for a jump squat
4. Every time you perform a jump squat, alternate the leg you lunge with
5. You can decide whether you lunge with or without the weight and repeat for the desired number of reps
2. Maintaining a neutral spine and forward gaze, perform a squat with legs going down to a 90° angle
3. Holding a low squat position, take small steps in one sideways direction, ensuring the knees stay hip-width apart and there is tension through the band
4. After 3-4 steps, place your hands on the floor, jump the feet back to a straight plank position and then back again
5. Standup and straight into a jump
6. Land back into a squat and perform the crab walks the other way again before performing another burpee
7. Repeat for desired reps
2. Brace the core and keep the torso tall and maintain the low split squat position
3. Turn palms out and with soft elbow start to raise the dumbbells away from your body
4. As you get to shoulder height, start to twist the wrists and continue with the raise so that that your thumbs meet together, directly above your head
5. Pause then slowly lower dumbbells back down to your sides
6. Repeat for desired number of reps
2. Let the weight hang with a straight arm on to the side of your leg and using a stable surface for support, slightly lean away from the leg with the weight
3. Raise the leg up and lift it out, laterally away from your body. Pause, and then return to the starting position
4. Repeat for desired number of reps on one leg before repeating on the other side
2. Standing up straight, maintaining a neutral spine and forward gaze, draw the scapula back and adjust your grip so that your hands are about in line with the thighs
3. Brace the core and lift the weight straight up toward the chin, leading with the elbows and keeping the bar close to the body. Your arms should go no higher than parallel with the shoulders
4. Pause at the top of the lift and return to the starting position
5. Repeat for desired reps
2. Placing your hands either side of your chest for support, raise one leg straight into the air, keeping the other on the floor
3. Lower that leg to the floor in a controlled manner and repeat on the other leg
4. Ensure you keep both legs straight, moving only from the hip and aiming for maximal range of motion
2. Lift your bum slightly in the air and then raise your right foot off the floor. First drive the knee up towards the chest before immediately and forcefully kicking the leg out straight behind you, aiming for slightly higher than hips
3. Repeat for the desired number of reps on this leg without touching the foot on the floor then swap legs
2. Take a large step forward with your right leg and bend your knee towards the floor until both knees are at 90° angles
3. Push yourself up and simultaneously bring the rear leg through to the front to perform the next step
4. Maintain a neutral spine, forward gaze and hip, knee and toe alignment throughout
5. Repeat this motion, turning at the ends of your walkway if necessary to complete the reps
2. In one movement, simultaneously lift your torso and legs as if you're trying to touch your toes
3. Your torso and thighs should form a letter “V.”
4. Lower your body back to the starting position
5. Aim to keep arms and legs straight and try to touch your toes/shins when they are aligned over your hips
6. Repeat for desired number of reps
2. Place hands by your ears, balance on your bum and lift the feet just off the floor
3. In a smooth motion, lean back slightly more (but remaining on the bum) at the same time as straightening your knees (but keeping the feet in the air)
4. Keep control whilst opening up the ‘V’ as much as possible before returning to the start position
5. Repeat motion, performing all reps in a controlled manner
2. Tuck your chin in toward your chest and place hands loosely by your ears
3. In a smooth motion, aim to bring your chest towards your hips by bringing your upper back off of the floor
4. Return to the floor in a controlled motion and repeat
2. Ensure you maintain a neutral spine, relax through your neck and grip the weights between your legs
3. Take the weights from the floor with a neutral grip and whilst maintaining the stance, row in towards your hips whilst twisting the wrists so that your palms are facing up by the time you reach your hips
4. Try to maximise the elbow height before returning to the starting position and twisting the wrists back
5. Repeat for the desired number of reps
2. Engage your core, pulling your belly button in towards your spine
3. Keep your legs straight and hips level
4. Pull your arms in close to your sides so your elbows are pointed back, driving your hands into the ground to keep your shoulder stable
5. Slowly lower yourself toward the ground, keeping your elbows pointed back and core engaged
6. Lower until your arm, shoulder, and elbow make a 90-degree angle
7. Push hard into the ground to lift your body back up and repeat for desired number of reps
2. Keeping your spine neutral, bend your arms 90° at the elbow so your triceps are aligned with your back and your biceps are perpendicular to the floor
3. Engage your core and your triceps and hinge at the elbow, lifting the dumbbell up and back as you try and straighten your arm
4. Your upper arm should stay still; only your elbow moves
5. Guide the weight upward until your arm is straight, pause, then lower back to 90°
6. Repeat for desired number of reps
2. Straighten your arms, keeping a little bend in your elbows to keep tension on your triceps
3. Slowly bend your elbows to lower your body toward the floor until your elbows are at about a 90-degree angle before pithing back up again
4. Ensure the torso stays upright, core braced and the body only slightly away from the bench
5. Repeat for desired number of reps
2. Place a tea towel under each foot and ensure you are on a slippery surface
3. Keeping your core and scapula braced and feet hip width apart slide one knee towards your chest, then return it to the starting position
4. Repeat the movement with your other leg, then continue alternating legs throughout. Build speed
2. Hold the weight on your chest and draw your scapula back
3. Maintaining a neutral spine and forward gaze, squat down until the hips are level with the knees
4. Ensure the knees are constantly aligned with the toes and weight is through the heels
5. Drive back up to the starting position and jump the feet in, tap the toes on the floor and jump straight back out to the starting squat position
6. Repeat for desired number of reps
2. Hold the weight between your legs with straight arms and draw your scapula back
3. Maintaining a neutral spine and forward gaze, squat down until the weight reaches the floor
4. Ensure the knees are constantly aligned with the toes and weight is through the heels
5. Drive back up to the starting position and repeat
2. Ground toes into the floor, feet together and squeeze your glutes to stabilise your body
3. Neutralise your neck and spine by looking at a spot on the floor about a foot beyond your hands. Your head should be in line with your back.
4. Brace your core for the duration and then in a controlled manner, raise one arm off the floor and your hand on to the step in front of you, followed by the other hand
5. In a controlled manner return one arm at a time to to the floor
6. Repeat for desired number of reps
2. Perform a star-jump, jumping feet out and hands above your head and then back in again
3. Then instantly reach down to the floor and jump the feet back to a squat thrust
4. Bring the feet back, stand back up and repeat for desired number of reps
2. Ensure the arm is hanging straight by your side, perform a lateral bend through the torso, allowing the weight to go towards the floor whilst keeping it close to your leg
3. Once at maximum lateral flexion, slowly return to the upright position
4. Repeat all reps on one side before performing them on the other side
2. Maintaining a neutral spine and forward gaze, draw the scapula back and squat down until your hips are just below the level of your knees (if flexibility allows this depth)
3. Ensure the knees are constantly aligned with the toes and weight is through the heels
4. Drive back up to the starting position and as you come up drive one knee up into a high tuck
5. Lower the leg down before landing and dropping straight into the next squat before repeating
6. Alternate the leg that tucks up on each rep
2. Make fists with both hands and lift the arms so that hands are facing your body at chin height. Elbows are bent to a 90° angle and shoulder-width apart
3. As you lower the body into a squat position, rotate the torso and lower your right hand down to chest height so that you can powerfully scoop (or "cut") the arm under and up and to the left
4. Continue to scoop and lift as you rotate your body left. Stop when you reach a standing position facing slightly left, and fist is at chin height
5. Repeat the movement to the right with the left arm
2. Maintaining a neutral spine and forward gaze, draw the scapula back and squat down until your hips are just below the level of your knees (if flexibility allows this depth)
3. Ensure the knees are constantly aligned with the toes and weight is through the heels and in this position perform one pulse movement
4. After the pulse, staying in the deep squat position raise your heels into the air and come up on to your toes. Pause for a second and return feet flat to the floor
5. Drive back up to the starting position and repeat for desired number of reps
2. Push your hips hips back and squat down, keeping your back straight and your upper body lifted, going down until your hips are level with your knees
3. As you begin to raise up again, step one leg back and go into a reverse lunge
4. Then bring the leg back through into the squat position before repeating the next squat
5. Repeat for desired number of reps, alternating the reverse lunge leg on each rep
2. Without leaning back, extend through your elbows to press the weights above your head. Then slowly return to the starting position.
2. Ensure you have a dumbbell in each hand at your sides.
3. Keep your back straight, brace your core, and then slowly lift the weights out to the side until your arms are parallel with the floor, with the elbow slightly bent and leading with the little finger
4. Lower down in a controlled manner and repeat, ensuring the squat position is adopted throughout the set
2. Push the weights up so they go directly above your head and you have your upper arms locked in by your ears
3. From here, slowly lower the weights back behind your head, being careful not to flare your elbows out too much
4. Once your forearms move beyond parallel to the floor bring the weight back up so the arms are straight and squeeze the triceps at the top
5. Lower back to the starting position to the perform the next shoulder press
6. Repeat for desired number of reps
2. Drop the back knee so that both legs are at 90° and maintain this position throughout
3. Press the weights up until your arms are extended overhead. Hold a moment at the top before returning and repeating
4. Aim to stay in a deep split squat for the duration of a set before swapping legs over for the next one
2. Grasp your weights, raising the arms up so you have your elbows at 90°, upper arm parallel to the floor and palms facing towards your face
3. Stand up straight and brace the core and initially rotate the shoulders out and twist the wrists to your forearms are either side of your head, palms facing out
4. From here push the arms up straight over the crown of your head, pausing just before your lock the elbows out
5. Return down, performing both movements in reverse and repeat for desired reps, whilst remaining in a low split squat position
2. Keeping your torso straight, holding the weight either by your side or on your chest, lower slowly until your back knee almost touches the floor, then push back up
3. Complete all your reps on one leg, then before repeating on the other
2. Perform a half squat and as you extend out of the squat jump towards the right and land just on the right foot
3. Sink into the landing, absorbing the impact with soft knees and hips before instantly jumping back to the left side and landing on the left leg
4. Repeat this motion and once you have the rhythm and balance, aim to increase to maximal speed
2. Aim to maintain a neutral spine and forward gaze throughout
3. Engaging the leg on the step and using minimal push-off from the standing leg, stand up on to the step, placing both feet together on the step to balance
4. Return the standing leg back to the floor in a controlled manner
5. Repeat all reps of one leg before repeating on the opposite leg
6. Note - the higher the step height the more challenging the exercise
2. Hold the weight between your legs with straight arms and draw your scapula back.
3. Maintaining a neutral spine and forward gaze, square down until the weight reaches the floor.
4. Ensure the knees are constantly aligned with the toes and weight is through the heels.
5. Drive back up to the starting position and repeat.
2. Place the weight on your lap and support with your hands
3. Straighten one knee and raise the foot of the floor, keeping it off the floor throughout
4. Using one foot only, extend your hips off the ground until your upper legs and torso form a straight line
5. Hold your bridged position for two seconds, focussing on maximum hip extension
6. Keeping the glutes squeezed, lower back down and then repeat all reps on one side, then the other
2. Grasp your weights, raising the arms up so you have your elbows at 90°, upper arm parallel to the floor and palms facing towards your face
3. Brace the core and keeping one arm in place, with the other arm initially rotate the shoulder out and twist the wrist so your forearm is at the side of your head, palm facing out
4. From here push the arm up straight over the crown of your head, pausing just before your lock the elbow out
5. Return down, performing both movements in reverse and as you do, start the movement on the other arm
6. Repeat this alternating movement, staying low in the squat, for desired number of reps
2. Ensure you maintain a neutral spine, relax through your neck and place left arm on your thigh for support
3. With your right hand take the weight from the floor with a neutral grip and whilst maintaining the stance, row in towards your right hip, ensuring you bring the elbow through high
4. Return in a controlled manner until arm is straight but the weight still taken
5. Repeat all reps on right side before repeating on the other
2. Contract your core and raise your hips until your body is in a straight line from head to feet
3. Hold the position without letting your hips drop for the allotted time for each set, then in a controlled manner raise the top leg away from the bottom leg, moving from the hip
4. Repeat for desired reps on this side before performing the reps on the other side
2. Contract your core and raise your hips until your body is in a straight line from head to feet
3. With the free arm, hold your dumbbell and raise it up so your arm is straight up towards the ceiling
4. Hold the plank position steady, lower your dumbbell in front of you and reach through underneath your body as far as you can whilst keeping alignment
5. Slowly raise it back up to straight up again
6. Repeat for desired reps on this side before performing the reps on the other side
2. Keeping your torso stable and your hips lifted, bring your right leg up toward your shoulder and bend your torso down slightly to lightly tap your right elbow to the knee
3. Lengthen your right leg and torso back to the starting position to complete one rep
4. Repeat for desired number of reps
2. Contract your core and raise your hips until your body is in a straight line from head to feet
3. Hold the position without letting your hips drop for the allotted time for each set, then repeat on the other side
2. Push the weights up so they go directly above your head and you have your upper arms locked in by your ears
3. From here, slowly lower the weights back behind your head, being careful not to flare your elbows out too much
4. Once your forearms move beyond parallel to the floor bring the weight back up so the arms are straight and squeeze the triceps at the top
5. Lower back to the starting position to the perform the next shoulder press
6. Repeat for desired number of reps
2. Then lean back so your upper body is at a 45-degree angle to the floor
3.Keep your back straight at this angle throughout the exercise
4. Link your hands together in front of your chest, then brace your core and raise your legs up off the ground.
5. Rotate your arms all the way over to one side, return to the centre and then reach your hands through to touch your toes
6. Then rotate to the other side, back to the centre again and touch your toes
7. Repeat this combination of movements for the desired reps
2. Holding the weight in front of your torso, with slightly bent elbows, lift the feet just off the floor
3. Rotate the whole torso and shoulders to one side of the body until the weight taps the floor then slowly rotate over to the opposite side
4. Repeat motion, performing all reps in a controlled manner
2. Hold the weight just in front of your legs with straight arms and draw your scapula back
3. Maintaining a slight knee bend and neutral spine, lower the weight in a controlled manner by bending at the hip until you feel a stretch through the hamstrings (just below knee level)
4. Extend your hips forward, powerfully but controlled, to return to standing
5. As you stand, then move straight into a squat
6. When you stand up from squat position, bend to go back into a deadlift
7. Ensure the weight remains close to the legs and the scapula pulled back throughout
2. Hold the weight just in front of your legs with straight arms and draw your scapula back
3. Maintaining a slight knee bend and neutral spine, lower the weight in a controlled manner by bending at the hip until you feel a stretch through the hamstrings (just below knee level)
4. Extend your hips forward, powerfully but controlled, to return to standing and repeat
5. Ensure the weight remains close to the legs and the scapula pulled back throughout
2. Position the dumbbells at the shoulder height with your palms facing forward and your elbow under your wrists
3. Then take a big step backward with your left foot and as you drop into the lunge, press the weights upwards directly above your head
4. Bring the left foot back through to standing at the same time as lowering the weights back to shoulder height
5. Then repeat this movement on the other side, repeating for the desired number of reps
2. Take a large step backwards with your right leg and drop your back knee towards the floor until both knees are at 90° angles
3. Maintain a neutral spine, forward gaze and hip, knee and toe alignment throughout
4. Push yourself forward to the start position and drive your right leg through, lifting the foot off the floor and keeping the knee at 90°
5. Simultaneously drive the left arm up in order to maintain balance
6. Return the right leg back down to a reverse lunge and repeat all reps on this side before going on the next side
2. Take a large step backwards with your right leg and drop your back knee towards the floor until both knees are at 90° angles
3. Maintain a neutral spine, forward gaze and hip, knee and toe alignment throughout
4. Push yourself forward to the start position and drive your right leg through, lifting the foot off the floor and keeping the knee at 90°
5. Simultaneously drive the left arm up in order to maintain balance, whilst jumping up with the left foot
6. Land and return the right leg back down to a reverse lunge and repeat all reps on this side before going on the next side
2. Take a large step backwards with your right leg and drop your back knee towards the floor until both knees are at 90° angles
3. Maintain a neutral spine, forward gaze and hip, knee and toe alignment throughout
4. Push yourself forward to the start position and repeat with your left leg
2. Keeping your legs straight, lift them up until they are between a 75°- 90°angle
3. Once legs are nearly straight, push your feet higher up to the ceiling by lifting your bum into the air just by 1-2 inches
4. Keeping the legs straight, lower the bum back down and then the legs and when your feet are just off the floor, repeat the movement again
5. Brace your core for the duration and aim to keep your lower back in contact with the floor until the push
2. Ensure the feet are shoulder-width apart and brace your core, keeping your bum and legs in a straight, flat line
3. Maintaining this position throughout, support your bodyweight on one arm and with the other, pull the dumbbell in towards the hip, pulling the elbow high
4. Return the dumbbell back to the floor in a controlled manner before repeating on the other side
5. Repeat for desired number of reps
2. Ensure you maintain a neutral spine, relax through your neck and grip the weights in a neutral position and let your arms hang straight down
3. Keeping the same stance and elbows slightly bent, raise the arms back from the shoulder, leading with your little finger and keeping the hands at shoulder level
4. Squeeze the scapula together throughout and then return to the starting position
5. From here, with soft elbows, twist the hands so palms are facing down and then raise up from the shoulder so that the arms come either side of the head
6. Control back down and then repeat this combination movement for the desired number of reps
2. Imagining you have a square ladder space to your right, take two small sideways steps so both feet go into the square, then both feet out the other side
3. Repeat the movement coming back the other way
4. Get some rhythm in the movement initially and then complete at a maximal speed, staying light on your toes throughout
2. Place a band just above the knees
3. In turn, take both feet narrower in and then both feet back wider again
4. Get some rhythm in the movement initially and then complete at a maximal speed
5. Pulse the arms in front of you to aid with rhythm, keeping your elbows bent at 90°
2. Maintaining a neutral spine and forward gaze, draw the scapula back and squat down until your hips are just below the level of your knees (if flexibility allows this depth)
3. Ensure the knees are constantly aligned with the toes and weight is through the heels
4. Once in the deepest squat position perform 3 x pulse movements (moving the hips up and down 1-2 inches) before driving back up to standing
5. Repeat for desired number of reps
2. Place the weight on your lap and support with your hands
3. Extend your hips off the ground until your upper legs and torso form a straight line
4. Hold this bridged position and perform pulse movements slightly down and up again
5. Keeping the glutes squeezed perform the pulses for the desired duration
2. Place a weight on the ground over the head, reach overhead with both hands.
3. While keeping the arms straight, pull the kettlebell over the head to directly above the chest
4. Hold the kettlebell over the chest and draw the belly button in towards the ground to help pull the rib cage towards the hips, lifting the back off the ground to perform a crunch
5. Lower slowly back to the floor, and once the back is flat on the ground lower the kettlebell back overhead
6. Repeat for desired number of reps
2. Bend at the waist and contract your abs whilst simultaneously raising your feet up and bringing the knees in towards your chest
3. Keeping the arms straight, with soft elbows, bring the arms over your head and aim to meet them level with your knees at around chest level
4. Lower your arms and legs back to the starting position and repeat for desired number of reps
2. Placing your hands either side of your chest for support, raise one leg straight into the air, keeping the other on the floor
3. Lower that leg to the floor in a controlled manner and repeat on the other leg
4. Ensure you keep both legs straight, moving only from the hip and aiming for maximal range of motion
2. Keeping upper arms still by your side, bend at the elbow to raise the weight up until your forearms are at a 45-degree angle
3. For the time it takes to perform the rep, slowly twist the wrists so that in the top position your palms are now facing up
4. As you lower the arms down again, twist the wrists back slowly again
5. Repeat for desired number of reps
2. Maintaining a whole body straight line, brace your core and lower yourself until the upper arms are at least parallel to the floor (or lower if possible)
3. Explosively push up and back to the start position, maintaining the posture throughout
4. As soon as you are here, reach under the body with the left hand and drag the dumbbell through, placing it on the opposite side
5. Repeat reps with alternate drag throughs on each side
2. Maintaining a whole body straight line, brace your core and lower yourself until the upper arms are at least parallel to the floor (or lower if possible)
3. Explosively push up and back to the start position, maintaining the posture throughout
4. As you bend your elbows and lower toward the ground, your elbows should be at about a 90° angle to your body
5. Repeat for desired number of reps
2. Perform a slight squat movement, reaching down towards your toes
3. As your hands reach your toes, jump into the air in a star jump motion, aiming for maximum height
4. Bring the feet back in and arms back down towards your toes, aiming to land back in the squat position
5. Immediately transfer the weight to your hands and then jump legs back into a straight plank position and then back again
6. Stand back up, touch the toes and then straight into the next power jack
7. Repeat this movement for desired number of reps
2. Perform a slight squat movement, reaching down towards your toes
3. As your hands reach your toes, jump into the air in a star jump motion, aiming for maximum height
4. Bring the feet back in and arms back down towards your toes, aiming to land back in the squat position
5. Repeat this movement
2. Brace your core by contracting your abs as if you were about to be punched in the gut
3. Slowly walk your hands forward and together without allowing your hips to sag or your lower back posture to change
4. When you reach the farthest you point you can walk out without breaking form, walk your feet forward until you're in the starting position again
5. Repeat for desired number of reps
2. Jump your feet forward aiming for the feet to go just outside of the hands and lift your chest and arms so that you're now in a low squat position with your thighs parallel to the floor
3. Balance for a second and then place the hands back down so that your can jump back into the straight plank position
4. Repeat for the desired number of reps
2. Ground toes into the floor, feet together and squeeze your glutes to stabilise your body
3. Neutralise your neck and spine by looking at a spot on the floor about a foot beyond your hands. Your head should be in line with your back.
4. Brace your core for the duration and then in a controlled manner, raise one hand off the floor, touch the opposite shoulder and then bring it down again
5. Alternate the sides for the duration of the set and aim for minimal hip and torso movement throughout
2. Similar to the motion of a jumping jack, jump your legs wide and then back together
3. Jump as quickly as you want, but keep your pelvis steady and don't let your bum rise toward the ceiling
2. Make sure your body remains in a straight line and feet are together
3. Rotate at the waist and lower your right hip towards the ground
4. Rotate back up and then rotate your left hip towards the ground
5. Alternate back and forth, in a controlled manner, repeating for the desired amount of repetitions
2. Ground toes into the floor, feet together and squeeze your glutes to stabilise your body
3. Neutralise your neck and spine by looking at a spot on the floor about a foot beyond your hands. Your head should be in line with your back.
4. Brace your core for the duration and then in a controlled manner, lower one forearm to the floor and then the other, so you are in a standard plank position
5. In a controlled manner return one arm at a time to your hands and aim for minimal hip and torso movement throughout
6. Repeat for desired number of reps
2. Ground toes into the floor and squeeze your glutes to stabilise your body
3. Neutralise your neck and spine by looking at a spot on the floor about a foot beyond your hands. Your head should be in line with your back.
4. Brace your core for the duration and hold
2. Tuck your chin in toward your chest and place hands loosely by your ears
3. Raise one foot just off the floor keeping the leg straight and the other leg, bend the knee at 90° and ensure upper leg is upright
4. In a smooth motion, aim to bring your chest up and opposite elbow towards the bent knee. Pause here for 2 seconds
5. Return shoulders to the floor and in a controlled motion switch the leg positions and repeat on the other side
2. Slowly lower the weights back behind your head, being careful not to flare your elbows out too much
3. Once your forearms move beyond parallel to the floor bring the weight back up to the starting position and squeeze the triceps at the top
4. Your upper arms should remain in place throughout the movement. Repeat
2. Keeping your torso straight, hold the weight directly above the crown of your head and lock the arms out. Keep it here for the duration of the set
3. Lower slowly until your back knee almost touches the floor, then push back up
4. Complete all your reps on one leg before repeating on the other
2. Take a large step backwards with your right leg and drop your back knee towards the floor until both knees are at 90° angles
3. Maintain a neutral spine, forward gaze and hip, knee and toe alignment throughout
4. Push yourself forward and bring your leg straight through into a front lunge, dropping down so that both knees are at 90°
5. Repeat this movement, performing all reps one side first, aiming not to touch the foot down in the middle standing position for the duration
2. Ensure you maintain a neutral spine, relax through your neck and grip the weights between your legs
3. Take the weights from the floor with a neutral grip and whilst maintaining the stance, row in towards your hips, ensuring you bring the elbow through high. Lower again and perform 2 reps
4. After this, twist the wrist so palms face your body and then perform the next 2 reps with the weight coming towards your chest and elbows going out slightly wider
5. Repeat this combination for the desired number of reps
2. Keeping your core and scapula braced and feet hip width apart bring one knee towards opposite side of your chest, then return it to the starting position
3. Repeat the movement with your other leg, then continue alternating legs throughout. Build speed
4. Ensure you exaggerate the twist with the torso as the knee drives through
2. Keeping your legs straight, lift them up until they are at a 45° angle and then slowly lower your legs down
3. When your feet are just off the floor, repeat the movement again
4. Brace your core for the duration and aim to keep your lower back in contact with the floor
2. Keep your torso and legs in a straight line and have one leg placed on top of the other
3. Pull the top leg away from the bottom and take it up to the highest point you can manage, keeping the legs straight
4. At this point perform the pulse movement (moving 1-2 inches up and down)
5. Repeat all reps on one side, then switch legs
2. Raise the top leg into the air, keeping the other on the floor and hips facing forward
3. Lower that leg to the floor in a controlled manner and repeat reps on the same leg
4. Ensure you keep both legs straight, moving only from the hip and aiming for maximal range of motion
2. Keep your torso and legs in a straight line and have one leg placed on top of the other
3. Pull the top leg away from the bottom and take it up to the highest point you can manage, keeping the legs straight
4. At this point perform the pulse movement (moving 1-2 inches up and down)
5. Repeat all reps on one side, then switch legs
2. Keeping the shoulders depressed and elbow soft, lead with the little finger and raise the dumbbells laterally until they are shoulder height
3. Bring them back to starting position before raising them directly in front of you with the same technique
4. Repeat the sequence
2. Step out to the right and shift your bodyweight over your right leg, squatting to a 90° angle at the right knee, slightly leaning forward, aiming to bring your hips back and down
3. In the deepest position of the lunge perform 3 x pulse movements (moving the hips up and down 1-2 inches)
4. After the final pulse return the feet to shoulder-width before repeating on the left side
5. Maintaining a neutral spine and core braced, repeat for desired reps
2. Step out to the side with your right leg and lunge
3. Transferring your weight to the left foot, take a big step back with your right leg and cross it behind the left
4. Bend your knees until your left thigh is parallel to the floor and then step back out to the side with your right leg
5. Repeat for desired reps on one side and then switch legs
2. Step out to the right and shift your bodyweight over your right leg, squatting to a 90° angle at the right knee, slightly leaning forward, aiming to bring your hips back and down
3. Return the feet to shoulder-width before repeating on the left side
4. Maintaining a neutral spine and core braced, repeat for desired reps
2. Raise your feet into the air and bring your knees up so they are at a 90° angle
3. Keeping your back pressed against the floor and knees together, rotate your knees to the side until your bottom leg is about to touch the ground
4. Rotate your legs back up to the starting position, keeping your knees at 90° and both shoulders on the floor throughout
5. Repeat on the other side
2. Grasp the kettlebell with straight arms and maintaining soft knees, hinge at the hips and pull it back between your legs to create momentum
3. Drive your hips forwards forcefully to send the kettlebell up to between torso and shoulder height
4. Let the bell return back between your legs, bending at the hips in a controlled motion
5. Repeat for desired reps
2. Raise up from the lower position explosively and into a jump, ensuring both feet leave the floor and in mid-air switch the feet over and land in a split squat position with the opposite foot forward
3. Continue jumping back and forth, pausing as little as possible
2. Raise up from the lower position explosively and into a jump, ensuring both feet leave the floor and in mid-air switch the feet over and land in a split squat position with the opposite foot forward
3. As soon as you land you complete alternating straight arm punches, one on each side then repeat the jump back
4. Continue jumping back and forth and punching, pausing as little as possible
2. Bend at the waist and contract your abs whilst simultaneously raising your feet up and bringing the knees in towards your chest to meet your arms to your knees
3. Lower your arms and legs back to the starting position and repeat.
2. Brace your core and ensure your lower back is pressed into the mat
3. At the same time, and with control, lift arms, head and shoulder blades just off the floor, whilst also raising the feet about a foot in the air. Aim to complete the arms and legs straight
4. Hold this position, keeping the core strong, lower back pressed down for the duration required
2. Quickly drive your right knee up to hip height and back down again, then immediately bring the left knee coming up to hip height
3. Repeat movement and perform it at speed, mimicking a sprinting arm action simultaneously to the high knees
2. Place your hands above your head and shift your weight predominantly on to one leg, which will be your standing leg
3. Whilst remaining light on your toes on your standing leg, drive the knee of the opposite leg upwards into a high tuck at the same time as driving your arms down, either side of the knee with bent elbows
4. Immediately return the leg to the floor whilst your arms go back up and then push off the floor again to repeat all reps on one side before completing the other side
5. Build a rhythm and speed into the exercise and ensure you are contracting your core during every tuck movement
2. Extend your hips off the ground until your upper legs and torso form a straight line
3. Keeping the hips fully extended, perform small steps out, each foot in turn to gradually straighten your knees
4. Keeping the glutes squeezed, core braced and hips pushed up, walk out on your heels until your legs are virtually straight BUT still off the ground then perform small steps to walk back to the starting position
5. Repeat for desired number of reps
2.Maintaining a neutral spine and forward gaze, start to squat down in the usual way but simultaneously bend over at the hip
3. Ensure the knees are constantly aligned with the toes and weight is through the heels and aim for your upper body to be almost parallel to the floor at the end of the squat
4. Keeping the weight close to your chest throughout, raise back up to the starting position
5. Repeat for desired number of reps
2. Place the weight on your lap and support with your hands
3. Extend your hips off the ground until your upper legs and torso form a straight line
4. Hold your bridged position briefly, focussing on maximum hip extension, before pushing your knees away form each other and then returning them again
5. Keeping the glutes squeezed, lower back down and knees pressed out and then repeat
2. Place the weight on your lap and support with your hands
3. Extend your hips off the ground until your upper legs and torso form a straight line
4. Hold your bridged position for two seconds, focussing on maximum hip extension
5. Keeping the glutes squeezed, lower back down and then repeat
2. Take a large step backwards with your right leg and drop your back knee towards the floor until both knees are at 90° angles
3. Maintain a neutral spine, forward gaze and hip, knee and toe alignment throughout
4. Push yourself forward and bring your leg straight through into a front lunge, dropping down so that both knees are at 90°
5. Repeat this movement, performing all reps one side first, aiming not to touch the foot down in the middle standing position for the duration
2. Squat with appropriate technique, aiming for legs to be between 45°- 90°
3. Drive out of the squat and simultaneously press the weights straight overhead until your arms are fully extended
4. Then lower the dumbbells back to the starting position, whilst dropping back into the squat to repeat
5. Perform these reps in a controlled but explosive manner
2. Hold the weights by your side in an underarm grip, palms facing out, keeping upper arms by your side
3. Reps 1-8 - flex the elbow to 90° and back down
4. Reps 9-16 - go from 90° to full flexion
5. Reps 17-24 - go from full extension to full flexion
6. Ensure to remain upright throughout and do not be tempted to lean back
2. Hold the weights by your side in an underarm grip, palms facing out, keeping upper arms by your side
3. Reps 1-5 - flex the elbow to 90° and back down
4. Reps 6-10 - go from 90° to full flexion
5. Reps 11-15 - go from full extension to full flexion
6. Ensure to remain upright throughout and do not be tempted to lean back
2. Placing your hands either side of your ears, simultaneously raise both leg straight into the air and bring your chest off the floor
3. Lower your chest and legs and then perform two abduction movements, taking the legs apart from each other
4. Aiming to keep tension through the band throughout, keep the movement controlled and repeat for desired number of reps
2. Make sure your back is flat (think: balancing a cup of coffee on your lower back), and tuck your chin slightly so the back of your neck is facing the ceiling. Without rounding your spine, engage your lower abdominals
3. Keeping the 90° bend in your right knee, slowly extend your hip and up toward the ceiling. Your max height is right before your back starts to arch, or your hips begin to rotate.
4. Return to the starting position but keeping your knee and toe in the air then raise your hip to the side before returning back down again
5. Repeat all reps on one side, then switch legs
2. Make sure your back is flat (think: balancing a cup of coffee on your lower back), and tuck your chin slightly so the back of your neck is facing the ceiling. Without rounding your spine, engage your lower abdominals
3. Keeping the 90° bend in your right knee, slowly extend your hip and up toward the ceiling. Your max height is right before your back starts to arch, or your hips begin to rotate.
4. Return to the starting position. Repeat all reps on one side, then switch legs
2. Hold an exercise band out in front of you at around chest height. Your hands should be shoulder width apart.
3. Slightly twist the hands and as you pull the band apart, bring one hand down towards the waist and the other slightly higher than shoulder height, squeezing your shoulder blades together
4. Return to the starting position and repeat but angling in the opposite direction
5. Ensure to remain upright throughout and do not be tempted to lean back
2. Maintaining a neutral spine and forward gaze, draw the scapula back and squat down until your hips are just below the level of your knees (if flexibility allows this depth)
3. Ensure the knees are constantly aligned with the toes and weight is through the heels
4. Drive back up to the starting position and straight on to your toes
5. Pause for a second and return your feet flat before repeating
2. Then, you lower opposite arm and leg toward the floor in a slow and controlled fashion
3. Return to centre and then repeat on the other side
2. Bring your hands up by your ears and take your elbows out wide. Then elevate your feet off the floor with a 90° bend at your hips and your knees. You want your thighs to be vertical and shins to be parallel to the floor. This is the start position
3. Keeping your lower back pressed down into the floor, tuck your chin to your chest, draw your belly button down and contract your abdominals to roll your upper spine up off the floor
4. At the same time, using your obliques, twist your upper body to the left so that your right shoulder and elbow rotate across towards your left knee
5. From here lower yourself back to the floor by rolling your spine back down to the floor, and return your right shoulder to the floor and right elbow back out to the wide starting position
6. Repeat the same crunch and twist motion, this time bringing the left shoulder and elbow across to the right knee and lower back down to centre
2. Maintaining a neutral spine and forward gaze, perform a squat with legs going down to a 90° angle
3. Holding a low squat position, take small steps in one sideways direction, ensuring the knees stay hip-width apart
4. After 3-4 steps come back the other way, focussing on remaining low with the glutes squeezed throughout
5. Repeat for desired reps
2. Push your hips back and grab the weights so your palms are facing your body and your hands are shoulder-width apart. Keep your hips down, chest lifted, eyes forward, and arms long
3. Keep your core very tight and drive through your heels to pull the weights quickly up to your chest, just in front of your collarbone. Keep your spine tall. Be explosive and fast in your movement as you pull the weight, keeping it as close to your body as you can. To pull the bar underneath your shoulders, shrug shoulders up and point your elbows forward.
4. As soon as the weight reaches your chest, drive through your heels again and press the directly overhead and straighten your arms and legs. Keep your core very tight. Return to starting position with control
5. Repeat for desired reps
2. Push your hips back, bend your knees, and lower your body into a squat. Place your hands on the floor directly in front of, and just inside, your feet
3. Shift your weight onto your hands. Jump your feet back to softly land on the balls of your feet in a plank position
4. Simultaneously lower your whole body onto the floor, performing a press-up type movement and at the instant your chest hits the floor, push back up again
5. Immediately jump your feet back so that they land just outside of your hands. Reach your arms over head and explosively jump up into the air
6. Land and immediately lower back into a squat for your next rep
2. Place the weight on your lap and support with your hands and then take the knees out wide whilst keeping the feet together
3. Extend your hips off the ground until your upper legs and torso form a straight line
4. Hold your bridged position for two seconds, focussing on maximum hip extension
5. Keeping the glutes squeezed, lower back down and then repeat
2. Keeping your arms straight and feet, knees and bum in position, perform a full-body crunch, bending from the hips and aim to touch your toes
3. Slowly lower your arms and torso back to the starting position and repeat
2. Bend and put your hands on the floor and jump your legs back into a high plank
3. Bend your elbows and lower yourself until chest and stomach touches the floor
4. From here, press into your hands like you’re doing a push-up, extending your arms and bringing your hips off the ground
5. Jump your feet back under your hips into a squat position, then immediately explode upwards in a tuck jump, driving your knees towards your chest
6. Jump as high as you can, raising your knees up, and then try to land softly with bent knees. That’s one rep
7. Repeat for desired number of reps
2. Push your hips back, bend your knees, and lower your body into a squat. Place your hands on the floor directly in front of, and just inside, your feet.
3. Shift your weight onto your hands. Jump your feet back to softly land on the balls of your feet in a plank position. Your body should form a straight line
4. Be careful not to let your back sag or your butt stick up in the air
5. Jump your feet back so that they land just outside of your hands. Reach your arms over head and explosively jump up into the air
6. Land and immediately lower back into a squat for your next rep
2. For the first time, drop to your knees and if easy, come back to your feet
3. Then, just pivoting at the elbow, lower your forearms so they are flat on the floor
4 Once flat, extend the elbows again to push the forearms off of the floor and the arms straight
5. Repeat for desired number of reps
2. Keeping upper arms still by your side, bend your forearms until weights touch your shoulders
3. At this instant push your arms directly over your head until both arms are extended straight above the crown, keeping your core activated
4. Lower back to your shoulder, then straighten the elbow until your arms are completely hanging by your side. Repeat
2. Keeping your back flat, crawl forward and backward moving opposite hands and feet in unison (right hand and left foot, left hand and right foot).
3. Perform this quickly and powerfully for the duration
2. Hold an exercise band out in front of you at around chest height. Your hands should be shoulder width apart. Pull the band apart, squeezing your shoulder blades together
3. Return to the starting position and repeat
4. Ensure to remain upright throughout and do not be tempted to lean back
2. Hold the weight on your chest and draw your scapula back
3. Maintaining a neutral spine and forward gaze, squat down until the hips are level with the knees
4. Ensure the knees are constantly aligned with the toes and weight is through the heels
5. Drive back up to the starting position and jump the feet in, tap the toes on the floor and jump straight back out to the starting squat position
6. Repeat for desired number of reps
2. Hold either end of the band in a neutral grip, lean back slightly from the hips and hold arms out straight
3. Maintaining a neutral spine, scapula drawn back and shoulders depressed throughout row both hands back towards the hips - focussing on maximal range of motion - perform 2 reps of this
4. Smoothy twist the wrists to face palms down and then perform 2 reps pulling the hands towards your chest, keeping your elbows higher
5. Repeat for desired reps
2. Grip wither end of the resistance band and keep your arms straight
3. With soft elbows, keep the arms straight and move only from the shoulders, raising the resistance band over the head
4. Return in a controlled manner and repeat the movement just before your arms get back level with your sides
2. Place a band just above the knees
3. In turn, take both feet narrower in and then both feet back wider again
4. Get some rhythm in the movement initially and then complete at a maximal speed
5. Pulse the arms in front of you to aid with rhythm, keeping your elbows bent at 90°
2. Maintaining a neutral spine and forward gaze, draw the scapula back and squat down until your hips are just below the level of your knees (if flexibility allows this depth)
3. Ensure the knees are constantly aligned with the toes (push against the band) and weight is through the heels
4. Once in the deepest squat position perform 3 x pulse movements (moving the hips up and down 1-2 inches) before driving back up to standing
5. Repeat for desired number of reps
2. Maintaining a neutral spine and forward gaze, draw the scapula back and squat down until your hips are just below the level of your knees (if flexibility allows this depth)
3. Ensure the knees are constantly aligned with the toes (push against the band) and weight is through the heels
4. Once in the deepest squat position perform 1 x pulse movement (moving the hips up and down 1-2 inches) before exploding back up into a jump
5. Land with soft knees and immediately drop back into the squat and repeat for the desired amount of reps
2. With your feet close together, bend down to a squat position and drive up to jump
3. When jumping ensure your legs abduct outwards, as you land, push your right leg out and tap your toe before assuming the pencil squat position again and driving back up
4. When you land from the next pencil jump, push your left leg out and tap your toe
5. Repeat for desired number of reps, alternating the toe tap each time
2. Maintaining a neutral spine and forward gaze, perform a half squat with legs going down to a 45° angle
3. At the instant of the bottom of the squat, use your arms to propel you and jump up, aiming for max. height and push your legs outwards before landing back with your feet close together
4. Aim to land on the floor with soft knees and simultaneously drop into the next half squat to repeat
5. Perform all reps in a controlled manner BUT at a maximal speed
2.Sit down, bend your knees and lean back slightly, grasping either side of the band so that your arms are straight above your head, shoulder-width apart and there is tension through the band
3. Pull the resistance band to your chest, just below the nipple line, flaring the elbows out as you do
4. Try not to lean back any further, pause at your chest and the slowly extend arms back
5. Repeat for the desired number of reps
2. Stand holding a the end of the resistance band in each hand
3. Slightly bend your knees and lift the resistance band laterally until shoulder height
4. Then bring them back to starting position before raising them directly in front of you
5. Repeat the sequence
2. Place the weight on your lap and support with your hands
3. Extend your hips off the ground until your upper legs and torso form a straight line
4. Hold your bridged position for two seconds, focussing on maximum hip extension
5. Keeping the glutes squeezed, lower back down and knees pressed out and then repeat
2. In a split stance with one foot in from of the other, maintaining a neutral spine, adopt a slight forward lean
3. With the elbow raised to just below shoulder height and hands by your chest, ensure there is a little tension through the band
4. Push out in front of you, keeping the elbows high and hands shoulder-width apart, until arms are straight
5. Return in a controlled manner and repeat
2. Maintaining a neutral spine and forward gaze, perform a squat with legs going down to a 90° angle
3. Holding a low squat position, take small steps in one sideways direction, ensuring the knees stay hip-width apart and there is tension through the band
4. After 3-4 steps, bend and perform a jump squat before coming back the other way, focussing on remaining low with the glutes squeezed throughout
5. Repeat for desired reps
2. Keeping the torso in a straight line, bend your knees at 90° and have one leg placed on top of the other
3. Keeping the 90° bend in your knees, pull the top knee away from the bottom knee, whilst the feet remain together
4. Aim for maximum range of motion before returning to the starting position but not going quite all the way down - ensure tension constantly remains through the band
5. Repeat all reps on one side, then switch legs
2. In a split stance with one foot in from of the other, maintaining a neutral spine, adopt a slight forward lean
3. With the elbow raised to just below shoulder height and hands by your chest, ensure there is a little tension through the band
4. Push out in front of you, keeping the elbows high and hands shoulder-width apart, until arms are straight
5. Return in a controlled manner and repeat
2. Stand up straight and brace the core and initially rotate the shoulders out and twist the wrists to your forearms are either side of your head, palms facing out.
3. From here push the arms up straight over the crown of your head, pausing just before your lock the elbows out.
4. Return down, performing both movements in reverse and repeat for desired reps.
2. Ensure you maintain a neutral spine, relax through your neck and grip the weights between your legs.
3. Take the weights from the floor with a neutral grip and whilst maintaining the stance, row in towards your hips, ensuring you bring the elbow through high.
4. Keep the left arm in place here whilst performing the desired reps on right arm by returning in a controlled manner until arm is straight but the weight still taken.
5. Repeat the reps on right side then swap the arms, alternating between them for the duration.
2. Maintaining a neutral spine and forward gaze, squat down until your hips are knee level.
3. Ensure the knees are constantly aligned with the toes and weight is through the heels.
4. Drive back up to the starting position and as you do so jump up, performing a 180° turn in the air.
5. As you land with soft knees, drop straight into the next squat before jumping and spinning back.
6. Ensure the hands stay by the ears throughout and repeat for desired number of reps.
2. Maintaining a neutral spine and forward gaze, squat down until your hips are knee level.
3. Ensure the knees are constantly aligned with the toes and weight is through the heels.
4. Drive back up to the starting position and as you do so jump up, performing a 180° turn in the air.
5. As you land with soft knees, drop straight into the next squat before jumping and spinning back.
6. Repeat for desired number of reps.
2. Your thumbs should be pointing upward with a 90° angle at your elbows.
3. Raise your elbows and dumbbells up and out to the side. Pause with your elbows at shoulder height.
4. Then rotate your arms upwards, so that your forearms point directly up before lowering back down, going through both movements.
5. Repeat for desired number of reps.
2. Continue down until the upper legs are at or just below parallel to the floor and hold here
3. Remaining low throughout, powerfully push through your heels to jump slightly upwards
4. As you ascend into the air, rotate to your right 90° and as soon as you land rotate back again 90°
5. Continue this jump movement rotating 90-degrees each time
2. Your thumbs should be pointing upward with a 90° angle at your elbows.
3. Raise your elbows and dumbbells up and out to the side. Pause with your elbows at shoulder height.
4. Lower back down in a controlled manner and repeat for the desired number of reps